Coinjock Marina, Coinjock, NC
Coinjock Marina caters to the ICW cruisers and can accommodate many boats along the single long fixed dock. The dockhands are adept at getting the boats in quickly and efficiently. Fuel and pumpout is available where you dock and the restaurant is a few steps away. Many ICW cruisers look forward to the prime rib dinner. From here going south, you cross through the Albemarle Sound. If poor weather conditions are predicted, I imagine the marina could get pretty crowded with boats waiting it out. Coinjock has nice bathroom/shower facilities and laundry. They have a ships store with some provisioning items as well as t-shirts, sweatshirts and other souvenir type items. The WIFI worked well for us. The dock was very crowded during our October stop. In early April there were a number of boats, but plenty of room |